LIPPAN KAAM Best Fashion and Interior Design Institute in Borivali (west), “Envisage Institute of Design”


Best Fashion and Interior Design Institute in Borivali (west), “Envisage Institute of Design”

It is a traditional mural craft of Kutch. If you travel through Kutch and as you make your way through the vast stretches of the Indian side of the world's greatest salt desert - The Great Rann of Kutch found in India and Pakistan, you will come across circular mud houses known as 'Bhungas' with walls beautifully decorated in mostly circular mirror work. This is Lippan Kaam or also known as Chittar Kaam.

 Traditionally it was made using dung of a camel as a binding agent as it is rich in fibers. The clay used is mud which has been passed through a sieve to obtain fine particles that mix more easily. Equal proportions of dung and clay are mixed and kneaded to form the dough used for Lippan Kaam or the husk of bajri i.e. millet is also used as an alternative to the dung. While the dung attracts termites, the husk does not. Small portions of the dough are taken and shaped into cylinders of varying thickness by rolling between the palms or on the floor.

This is then pasted onto the moist surface i.e. the wall or wooden panel on which the decorative artwork is to be done.

Each artwork usually starts by using the dough to first create lines that define the boundary of the artwork. The Lippan on the walls, partitions, doorways, lintels, niches, and the floors of the Bhunga. It also elaborates bas relief decorations that consists of okli textures created by the impressions of fingers and palms and sculpted forms that are inlaid with mirrors. The mirrors used are called aabhla and come in various shapes - round, diamond and triangular.

Though the authenticity of lippan kaam lies in a completed piece that is all white or in shades of neutrals, bright colors like red and green are sometimes painted on the dried clay work. The motifs used for this art form are peacock, camel, elephant, symbolic temple, mango tree and other examples of life in Kutch.

The craftsmen are now teaching students to adapt the design on a piece of plywood. The earlier dried camel/donkey dung base is pungent smelling. The introduction of a new base material is helping Lippan Kaam spread across geographies. In fact, the art now finds a pride of place in modern homes/workspaces in the form of wall décor or home décor pieces.

If you too wish to learn this traditional mural art form you can get in touch with us for our creative workshops!

Now, sharing with you are some of the glimpses of our student's work from our past Lippan Kaam workshop and their take on this rich culture.

Thank You!

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Exhibition and its benefits! Best Fashion and Interior Design Institute in Borivali (west), “Envisage Institute of Design”

Exhibition and its benefits!

 Best Fashion and Interior Design Institute in Borivali (west), “Envisage Institute of Design”

Education is the fusion process of teaching and learning. The purpose of education or for that matter teaching is installing new beliefs, habits, information and knowledge. Apart from theoretical knowledge, the education system also aims to develop social skills and soft skills among students and an exhibition is a wonderful tool that caters to these entire requirements at the same time.
Conducting exhibitions are one of the biggest opportunities for education institutions to showcase their student’s skills, creativity and products to a large audience. It not only helps to promote designs and products but also gives a perfect opportunity to meet other professionals as well as help students create new business opportunities. Networking is, after all a key component.

Apart from all these, it gives the student an exposure to the needs of the society, new discoveries and inventions, and working in the group. It helps them to undergo a lot of research work to arrive at the required meaningful information. It helps in creating awareness about latest researches, inventions and discoveries. It helps them to develop critical analysis to analyze both pros and cons of the challenges faced when they come up with a design. It helps them to apply knowledge and information collected cohesively to achieve their goal!

Many at times, hidden talents and skills go unnoticed due to a variety of reasons. This exhibition is a great way to bring out those hidden talents and skills and give them a platform to get accepted and noticed. The words of praise raise the confidence and self-esteem of the students to strive for more. This brings to the end of the blog, but before we completely end this here, we would like to take this opportunity to announce the arrival of our first ever art and design exhibition which is going to display all of our student’s work over the course of their year as well as display the first ever kind of exhibition where our students have rummaged through and come up with their own ideas innovative yet creative ideas exclusively for their first exhibition.

Presenting to you, our logo reveal of our first ever art and design exhibition!


Overcoming Artist Block


It is a common dilemma that links all of the creative fields together and plagues every artist!

Art blocks usually happens either when you are exhausted mentally or physically or both or self-doubt or because someone criticized your work or your artwork got rejected or you are afraid of making mistakes or fear of being imperfect and the list is endless!

These are the times when it is absolutely crucial to remember that it is very easy to criticize than investing hours of time in creating. The key here is simple – to keep the focus alive!

I know I know it does not seem as easy as it sounds because even an ordinary day becomes simply exhausting.

In introspection, perfection is good, but at the same time imperfection isn’t necessarily a bad thing! In fact, even the biggest hiccups in a project or an assignment can be very rewarding learning experiences. Sometimes if you are too focused on perfections it can discourage you from taking risks. Trying new things and having fun with your work is sometimes all the mojo you need!

Here are the couple of things that you can do when you face an artist block:

  • The pen is mightier than the phone!
    The good old pen and book always rescues a clogged mind. What you simply need to do is sit on a comfy chair or couch, sip on some hot chocolate or chai or coffee, play some music or not, take a smooth pen and a good diary and just brain vomit, literally and figuratively.
  • Sleep.
    Because sometimes, your body is genuinely calling you to relax your mind and body in order for you to bubble up all that energy!
  • Indulge in your favorite food/snacks.
    Do I even need to say anything on this? Go. Pamper yourself by eating that favorite pizza or Maggie or chocolates.
  • Clean the clutter!
    Cleaning up your space is a great way of exercising a little creative feng shui to get your flow back.
  • Seek inspiration,
    You have the best of the resources in this day and age for you to get inspired from artists, writers, painters, seamstress, architects, etc.
    The social media is vast and accessible. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, you name it and you have your role model with their page made accessible to wide range of audience!
    But in all honesty, you don’t need to wait around for inspiration. The term “good things comes to those who wait” is the worst in my opinion because unless you are waiting for pizza delivery, sitting around and waiting for things to happen will get you nowhere. And even in this case, you actually had to pick up a mobile device and order that pizza!
  • Stroll.
    Sometimes, even simply taking a stroll around the neighborhood, catching up with old friends helps. It helps to rejuvenate your mind and body helping your mind to start afresh.
  • Make mistakes-Revamp.
    I know how students or even we as humans absolutely hate to redo things. But sometimes it works like a charm! All you have to do is tear apart your work (not in literal sense) and restart all over again.


No matter how low or demotivated you feel at such times, it is important to remember that we are only humans at the end of the day, and that we are trying to give our best to the art society.

Let’s not forget to forgive ourselves at such times, let’s try to be compassionate with oneself and the other artists.

And if no one has told you yet, Hi! You are doing a wonderful job, and I am proud of you.


A Seminar on Career Awareness

We had a hectic but really satisfying experience of conducting the Career Awareness seminar at the premises of St. Rocks College, Borivali (W). The response to the event was so good that it inspires and motivates us to continue to do such events in the near future as well.

The event started with a short interaction with the students of 11th standard, by asking them, questions about, “why are you studying, the motive behind it?” “What have you thought about your career?” “What does success mean to you?”

The replies we did receive were vague, unsure and confused. And it was established that, a good number of students have no idea of what career they want to pursue in life.

The whole point of the seminar was just to give an overview about what’s happening in the real world. To enlighten them about the various careers those are going to vanish in the coming years as well as to make them aware of the future career trends.

These were the following upcoming career trends, which were discussed in the seminar.

  • Robot Manufacturing
  • Robot Management
  • Raw Material Management
  • Artificial Body Management
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Hair Styling and Grooming
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Fashion Designing
  • Interior Designing

The seminar was concluded, with the thought, “success does not depend on percentages”

And earning lakhs of money, is of no use, when, you have no one to spend it on, and no time to spend with your near and dear ones!

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